Applying with us is very easy

Simply complete your personal details below, then answer our questionnaire which is specific to this vacancy. Your answers to the questionnaire will enable us to process your application faster. At the very bottom of this page please upload your resume and a covering letter or supporting documents if relevant. We accept files in PDF, .doc or .docx formats, under 2MBs.

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You are applying for the position:

Application Form (All fields are required)

1. Advertising Avenue:
How did you hear about this opportunity?

2. Residency Status :
Which option best describes your current residency status?

3. COVID 19 Vaccination:
Please confirm your COVID 19 vaccination status.

4. Hearings :
Are you awaiting the hearing of charges in a civil or criminal court of law?

5. Criminal Offences :
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence, including driving convictions? (excluding any convictions under the Clean Slate Act 2002)

6. Dismissal :
Have you ever been dismissed from a position for disciplinary reasons?

7. Covid, Hearings, criminal offences or dismissals:
If you answered 'Yes' to any of the previous five questions regarding Covid, hearings, criminal offences or dismissals please explain in further detail. If you answered ‘No’ to all, please type N/A to proceed.

8. Prior Selwyn Employment :
Have you ever been employed for the Selwyn Foundation or any of its subsidiaries before?

9. Medical Information 1 :
Do you know of any reason or suffer from any disability which might affect your ability to perform the duties associated with the job applied for?

10. Medical Information 2 :
Have you had any injury or medical condition caused by gradual process, disease or infection, e.g. hearing loss, repetitive strain injuries, sensitivity to chemicals, that may be aggravated or further contributed to by the tasks of this job?

11. Declaration 1 :
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application and in any CV is accurate and I understand that if any false or misleading information is given, I will not be employed, or if employed, may be terminated.

12. Declaration 2 :
I consent to the information provided in this application being retained for considering my suitability for other positions which may arise, & consent to the information gained being provided to any member of the Selwyn Foundation Group.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

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